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Betrimex -The best coconut oil supplier from Vietnam

2020-08-23 11:54:46

Coconut oil from the best coconut oil supplier - Betrimex is made with the cold-pressed technology. It helps remain the essential nutrients, structure and characteristics of this product.

The benefits of virgin coconut oil are undeniable. That’s why it has been widely used around the world. However, only the best quality coconut oil from a renown supplier can bring you those benefits. When it comes to coconut products, Vietnam is one of the top countries in the world that has a wide range of coconut manufacturing plants. And Betrimex is one of them.

Benefits of coconut oil to your body

For beauty

Among many products from coconut, including coconut water, coconut milk, desiccated coconut, coconut oil has been mostly known for its aesthetics benefits. Compared to any type of coconut oil, virgin coconut oil is the purest because it has the highest quality and includes the richest nutritional value of coconut. People are using virgin coconut oil for hair care and skin care instead of cosmetic because it is natural. That also means there are more and more coconut oil suppliers in the market. Not all of the products you find are virgin or are the purest ones. Therefore, it is important to get it from the leading coconut oil supplier.

coconut oil supplier

Betrimex -The best coconut oil supplier from Vietnam

For health

In addition to its benefits for beauty, there has been research about how coconut oil is beneficial for health. In particular, the highest quality coconut oil helps regulate blood sugar, therefore, helps you fight heart disease. Besides, it can contribute to your attempt to lose weight and even improve the immune system.

The main reason why virgin coconut oil has such benefits is because it contains the medium-chain fatty acids. Unlike other fatty acids, they don’t cause influences on the bloodstream. Instead, they go directly to the liver and then will be converted into energy. As a result, your body will apply those energies and improve your health.

How to make virgin coconut oil?

When you look at the coconut oil products in the market, you can see that there are different colors, from light to dark yellow. Normally, coconut oil is made using the manual method, which means coconut milk is cooked and oil will be extracted from it. Because this method needs high temperatures and the coconut milk is cooked for long periods of time (from 1 to 2 hours), it can’t reserve the essential nutrients and remain the structure as well as characteristics of coconut oil. That’s why you should consider coconut oil suppliers carefully to be able to buy the best product.

Betrimex -The best coconut oil supplier from Vietnam
Betrimex -The best coconut oil supplier from Vietnam

Major countries for coconut oil consumption include Vietnam, Japan, South Korea, USA, Canada, and the EU. As Vietnam has many coconut oil suppliers, it is understandable that the Vietnamese would go for these natural products instead of chemical ones. However, those countries like the US and the EU are consuming it more, that’s remarkable.

Why is Betrimex the best coconut oil supplier?

It has been around for decades as a good supplier

The company has been operating for more than 40 years and now Betrimex is one of the leading coconut oil suppliers not only in Vietnam, but also to other countries around the world. The company has invested in the newest technologies to pick up product quality. Therefore, coconut oil from Betrimex has satisfied demand from difficult markets like the EU and the US.

It helps increase coconut value

Betrimex has contributed to the popularity of coconut products for many years.  When Betrimex is named, everyone knows it is about coconut. Not only does the brand increase coconut values in Vietnam, but also all over the world. Coconut products from Betrimex have been exported to more than 40 countries. With that being said, the company has a really important position and plays an important key in allowing Ben Tre coconut products to reach international level. No doubt that they will be able to reach the hardest markets.

Betrimex -The best coconut oil supplier from Vietnam
Betrimex -The best coconut oil supplier from Vietnam

Besides, Betrimex keeps broadening its scale and building new factories to meet the demand for exporting packaged coconut products to other countries in Europe, Africa and more. Apart from traditional products, Betrimex has developed its Organic products that are made of Betrimex’s Organic materials sources to ensure the highest values of coconut for health and safety. These sources have the ability to supply ingredients and staples for its manufacturing plants.

People love Betrimex products

Not only does Betrimex coconut products satisfy consumers with the best quality, but the company has also helped build a close connection between the enterprises and farmers. Betrimex has done a good job in assisting farmers sell coconuts with reasonable prices. More importantly, it ensures stable material sources for manufacturers like the company itself.

In addition, Betrimex has provided farmers with the pesticide application program and agricultural materials including fertilizers and bio-pesticides that are in compliance with standards of organic cultivation.

Betrimex is definitely the best coconut oil supplier in the market with the high and purest quality of virgin coconut oil. The company also supplies many other coconut products. Visit to know more!